Dec 30, 2010

A natural flow ...

      One of my friends pointed out that something about my previous post was not natural and it looked like as if I had just written for the sake of writing.Well, though these were things that I wanted to write about , I could see that there was the essentially something missing.
       Looking back at the post, it does look somewhat soulless, probably because I was groping for even simple adjectives and words even though the topic was dear to my heart. Also, the cobwebs of writing infrequently added to the stunted flow of sentences. And after reading the comments, I knew I missed out some of the more interesting patterns. The other thing that was persistently on the back of my mind was "Don't write such long sentences and useless information!". 
           My natural flow of writing is usually haphazard and random . I need to write , prune , cut and re-arrange my ideas and sentences in such a way it looks readable to me to begin with. Also , I had to constantly fight the lethargy of not writing :) So many interesting things float around in your thoughts, but when you try to put it in a blog , disperses away into vague , meaningless, half dead sentences. It's not about the infamous writer's block I am talking about, but rather about my own style of writing blogs. Also, reading a lot doesn't help me when I sit down to write blogs. I am so saturated with the words and ideas of others, I often think I only repeat what I have already read.
            Sometimes interestingly , few ideas do escape this mesh of confusion and land up in a logical format. There were some interesting topics I started with , but they never saw the light of blog-sphere.
Let's see if I can at least put a one-liner for those (for now)
1) The realm of mind - How Inception, Shutter Island and other such movies brought the world of psychology so successfully into movies.
2) The world of HP
3) The art of criticism or rather world of critics:)
4) Toy Story - how a simple story can make your day
              With this post (and incidentally the previous post), I have tried to take of the cynical edge off my posts. Hope I will start writing in my natural way, as I have tried in this post :)


Neeraja said...

I don't think your previous post was soulless! It was quite soulful since you touched on very subtle but deep aspects :). I would say your blog is the most viable medium wherein you can keep "practicing" your style of expression :). Start with your natural flow; it will take unexpected and surprising courses on its own, in due time :). Don't restrict yourself with the thought that most ideas have probably already been expressed... what counts is that the idea arose within you and it's unique in terms of the flavor it takes through your words. It's a worthy exercise :). I regurgitate on books I read... what is original about that? But occasionally I stumble on a few "insights" which help me grow and get better at writing, expressing and analyzing... or so I tell myself ;).

Would love to hear your thoughts on Inception/Shutter Island, the world of HP, the art of criticism and Toy Story! They are all close to my heart!

And I would really urge you to write about the trillions of books you read... or at least the ones that leave an impression on you :)

Archana K said...

@Neeru: Thanks for your kind and encouraging words.I hoped that by writing out my thought process, it will help me clarify it to myself in a better way.I will try to keep the blog rolling for all it's worth, now that I have started. :)

Perception said...

I am visiting this blog perhaps the first time and I loved your writing style. Isnt blog writing about scribbling anything and everything that comes to your mind and allowing the audience to relate to it. I related to your blog :)

Archana K said...

@ Perception : I am glad that you liked and related to my blog. :) Being a voracious reader of blogs (incl. yours) I am amazed at the variety of thoughts and perspectives put forth in every blog. That's what makes blogging interesting , I guess:)

Karthik said...

I really enjoy your writing style and find it expressive!:-) I think you are just being too self-critical:-) Please do post more often ! I'm sure you have loads to say about the very interesting one-liners you've put down !

Archana K said...

Glad that you enjoyed my blog. :-) I will definitely try posting more frequently :)